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杨旸,上海交通大学人文学院哲学系特别副研究员,上海交通大学欧洲文化高等研究院驻英代表,英国剑桥大学哲学博士。研究重点为当代社会文化理论,集中对Bourdieu, Sartre, Giddens, Bernstein, Bhaskar的理论体系展开跨学科、多层面的研究。其博士由剑桥大学优秀海外留学生奖学金奖助,并曾代表优秀海外留学生接受菲利浦亲王的接见。在英国学习研究期间,曾主持研究 “文化资本与社会融合性”、“文化资本与个人身份认同”等课题。博士学位之前,先后获得英语语言文学学士,教育学及哲学双硕士。











Bourdieu, Practice and Change: Beyond the Criticism of Determinism

In Educational Philosophy and Theory, Routledge, 2013.

Higher Education and the Transformation of Cultural Capital: Rural Students in an Elite Chinese University

In Review of Education, Wiley, 2013 (forthcoming).

Higher Education and the Transformation of Cultural Capital: A Different Implementation of the Bourdieusian Framework

British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 2013.

‘Were They Pushed or Did They Jump?’: Researching University Students in China

British Sociology Association Annual Conference, 2012.

Cultural Capital, Reflexivity and Identity

Kaleidoscope Conference, University of Cambridge, 2009.

Does Higher Education Lead to Social Mobility?

International Development Summit Conference, Cambridge, 2009.




版权所有:2013年 上海交通大学欧洲文化高等研究院 沪交ICP备2010919    技术支持:上海屹超