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New session of lecture series by Prof. Simone Gozzano


New session of the lecture series in Philosophy Month, How to move things by thinking, has been given by Prof. Simone Gozzano, who came from Università degli studi di L‘Aquila in Italy, in E301, Library, SJTU, on Oct.28, 2015. Prof. WANG Xiaoyang has served as moderator and commentator.



“Can the mind determine causal effects in the world?” Prof. Gozzano thought that we would consider with suspect a magician that promised to move things around by thinking. This suspect, as he argued, was the sign of our pre-theoretical dualism. Once this dualism was made evident, it could be challenged on epistemological and ontological grounds by considering a different and more accurate theoretical picture.


版权所有:2013年 上海交通大学欧洲文化高等研究院 沪交ICP备2010919    技术支持:上海屹超